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Get All PowerShell Object Properties

Use Get-Member to see object property definitions.
Use Get-Member to see object property definitions.

Learn how to discover all of a PowerShell object’s properties and see their values.

Object properties tell us about the object

Every time you run a “Get-” PowerShell cmdlet, you receive a single object or set of objects. In the programming world, an object’s properties are attributes about the object itself. A property could be a text string, a number, a timestamp, or any other descriptive value. Each property has a name and a corresponding value (and that value could potentially be null).

Not all properties displayed by default

Depending on the object type, not all of a object’s properties are displayed when you run the “Get-” cmdlet and display the output. If the output uses Format-Table, trying to squeeze all of the properties into the table could make the output noisy and unreadable, so it makes sense that some properties are excluded. However even if you use Format-List, some properties may still not be shown by default.

For demonstration, we’ll run Get-Service for the Windows Defender service and look at the default output.

PS C:\Users\aaron> Get-Service -Name WinDefend

Status   Name               DisplayName                           
------   ----               -----------                           
Stopped  WinDefend          Windows Defender Service

Note that only three properties are displayed: Status, Name, and DisplayName. Are those the only properties of the object? Let’s format the output using Format-List.

PS C:\Users\aaron> Get-Service -Name WinDefend | Format-List

Name                : WinDefend
DisplayName         : Windows Defender Service
Status              : Stopped
DependentServices   : {}
ServicesDependedOn  : {RpcSs}
CanPauseAndContinue : False
CanShutdown         : False
CanStop             : False
ServiceType         : Win32OwnProcess

Now nine properties are displayed; six more than the default output! That must be all of the properties then, right? How can we tell for sure?

Use Get-Member to see an object’s properties and methods

The Get-Member cmdlet is used to definitively show us a PowerShell object’s defined properties and methods. We use it by piping the output from our Get-Service cmdlet into Get-Member. Note in the sample output below the TypeName value at the top: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController. This Type is actually a .NET class. If you do a web search for the TypeName, one of your first search results will be this MSDN documentation page. You can match up the Properties and Methods listed in the output below with the MSDN documentation, which includes additional descriptive text about each property and method.

PS C:\Users\aaron> Get-Service -Name WinDefend | Get-Member

   TypeName: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController

Name                      MemberType    Definition                                                                                                                                                                      
----                      ----------    ----------                                                                                                                                                                      
Name                      AliasProperty Name = ServiceName                                                                                                                                                              
RequiredServices          AliasProperty RequiredServices = ServicesDependedOn                                                                                                                                           
Disposed                  Event         System.EventHandler Disposed(System.Object, System.EventArgs)                                                                                                                   
Close                     Method        void Close()                                                                                                                                                                    
Continue                  Method        void Continue()                                                                                                                                                                 
CreateObjRef              Method        System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef CreateObjRef(type requestedType)                                                                                                                 
Dispose                   Method        void Dispose(), void IDisposable.Dispose()                                                                                                                                      
Equals                    Method        bool Equals(System.Object obj)                                                                                                                                                  
ExecuteCommand            Method        void ExecuteCommand(int command)                                                                                                                                                
GetHashCode               Method        int GetHashCode()                                                                                                                                                               
GetLifetimeService        Method        System.Object GetLifetimeService()                                                                                                                                              
GetType                   Method        type GetType()                                                                                                                                                                  
InitializeLifetimeService Method        System.Object InitializeLifetimeService()                                                                                                                                       
Pause                     Method        void Pause()                                                                                                                                                                    
Refresh                   Method        void Refresh()                                                                                                                                                                  
Start                     Method        void Start(), void Start(string[] args)                                                                                                                                         
Stop                      Method        void Stop()                                                                                                                                                                     
WaitForStatus             Method        void WaitForStatus(System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus), void WaitForStatus(System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, timespan tim...
CanPauseAndContinue       Property      bool CanPauseAndContinue {get;}                                                                                                                                                 
CanShutdown               Property      bool CanShutdown {get;}                                                                                                                                                         
CanStop                   Property      bool CanStop {get;}                                                                                                                                                             
Container                 Property      System.ComponentModel.IContainer Container {get;}                                                                                                                               
DependentServices         Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] DependentServices {get;}                                                                                                              
DisplayName               Property      string DisplayName {get;set;}                                                                                                                                                   
MachineName               Property      string MachineName {get;set;}                                                                                                                                                   
ServiceHandle             Property      System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle ServiceHandle {get;}                                                                                                                  
ServiceName               Property      string ServiceName {get;set;}                                                                                                                                                   
ServicesDependedOn        Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] ServicesDependedOn {get;}                                                                                                             
ServiceType               Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceType ServiceType {get;}                                                                                                                            
Site                      Property      System.ComponentModel.ISite Site {get;set;}                                                                                                                                     
StartType                 Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode StartType {get;}                                                                                                                         
Status                    Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus Status {get;}                                                                                                                     
ToString                  ScriptMethod  System.Object ToString();

Display all PowerShell object’s properties in output

From the Get-Member output, we learn there are fourteen properties and two alias properties of the System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object type. However if you recall, when we used Format-List to display the output, we were only shown nine properties. To display ALL of the properties, we need to use the -Property parameter with a wildcard value. You see below sixteen properties are displayed, even if they have null values. This approach is helpful when you exploring results and are looking for properties of interest. Get-Member and MSDN documentation may give you an idea of what properties are helpful to you, but interrogating a sample object directly using -Property * will help you validate that a property has the information you need.

PS C:\Users\aaron> Get-Service -Name WinDefend | Format-List -Property *

Name                : WinDefend
RequiredServices    : {RpcSs}
CanPauseAndContinue : False
CanShutdown         : False
CanStop             : False
DisplayName         : Windows Defender Service
DependentServices   : {}
MachineName         : .
ServiceName         : WinDefend
ServicesDependedOn  : {RpcSs}
ServiceHandle       : 
Status              : Stopped
ServiceType         : Win32OwnProcess
StartType           : Manual
Site                : 
Container           :


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