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PowerShell formatting and output tricks

Controlling and customizing output in PowerShell is an essential skill for any IT professional. Not only does it enhance readability, but it also allows for more effective data analysis and troubleshooting. In this article, we’ll explore how you can get the most out of your PowerShell output.

Understanding PowerShell’s default output

By default, PowerShell displays output as a list or table, depending on the amount and type of data. For instance, Get-Service shows output in a table with Status, Name, and DisplayName columns, while Get-Process includes more columns because process objects have more properties that are meaningful to most users.

Get-Service sample output formatting.
Get-Process sample output formatting.

PowerShell chooses the best format based on the data type and the current host’s capabilities. However, you can override this choice and format the output to meet your needs.

Controlling output with Format cmdlets

PowerShell includes several cmdlets for controlling output:


Displays the output in a table. You can specify which properties to show with the -Property parameter.

Get-Process | Format-Table -Property Name, CPU, Id
Get-Process piped to Format-Table sample.


Displays the output as a list, which is useful for objects with many properties.

Get-Service -Name wuauserv | Format-List -Property *
Example of formatted property list output.


Displays the output as a wide table that only includes one property. It’s useful when you only need a quick glance at a single property for a set of objects.

Get-Process | Format-Wide -Property Name
Format-Wide example.


Provides a customized view of the output, giving you the most control.

Get-Service | Format-Custom -Property Name, Status
Format-Custom example.

Exporting output

In addition to controlling the display of output, PowerShell allows you to export output to various file formats for further analysis:


Exports the output to a CSV file.

Get-Process | Export-Csv -Path processlist.csv


Redirects the output to a text file.

Get-Service | Out-File -FilePath services.txt


Converts the output to JSON format, which is useful for web-related tasks.

Get-Process | ConvertTo-Json

Best practices


Mastering PowerShell output is crucial for efficient scripting and data analysis. By understanding the various formatting and exporting cmdlets, you can present your data in the most effective way for your needs.

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