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Working with environmental variables in PowerShell

Environmental variables are an essential aspect of the Windows operating system, providing a way to set and retrieve configuration settings for the system and its applications. In the world of automation and scripting, environmental variables can be the key to versatile and adaptable scripts. PowerShell, as a core tool for Windows system administration, offers a rich suite of commands for handling these variables. In this article, we’ll dive deep into how to work with environmental variables in PowerShell effectively.

What are environmental variables?

Environmental variables are dynamic values loaded into the system memory at startup. They can be used across applications and batch files and represent details such as system paths or user-specific settings.

Accessing environmental variables in PowerShell

Listing all environmental variables

PowerShell provides a convenient drive (PSDrive) for environmental variables. You can list all environmental variables with the following command:

Get-ChildItem Env:

Retrieving specific environmental variables

To get the value of a specific environmental variable, use $env:VariableName. For example:


This command retrieves the system PATH variable.

Modifying environmental variables

Setting environmental variables

To set an environmental variable for the current session:

$env:MY_VARIABLE = "MyValue"

Note this change is temporary and is limited to the current PowerShell session.

Modifying system or user environmental variables

For permanent changes that persist across sessions and reboots, you’d typically use the System properties window. However, with PowerShell, you can modify these values using the .NET Framework. Here’s a method to change the System PATH variable:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "YourNewPathValue", "Machine")

For user-specific environmental variables, replace "Machine" with "User".

Removing environmental variables

For temporary removal in the current session:

Remove-Item Env:MY_VARIABLE

For permanent removal:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("MY_VARIABLE", $null, "User")

Best practices for working with environmental variables in PowerShell

Environmental variables are a potent tool, especially in the context of PowerShell scripting. By understanding how to retrieve, modify, and manage these variables, IT professionals can ensure system consistency, streamline tasks, and better automate processes. Remember to always approach changes with caution, ensuring system stability and reliability.

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